What a fabulous Wassail ! About 190 villagers and 20 musicians and dancers wassailed around the orchards this evening. A new orchard was High Barn House on the Street. Thank you Andrew for your hospitality and the excellent Lambswool mulled cider and bonfire.
All the trees in the orchards are now well and truly awake for spring and all evil spirits have been banished and the good spirits have been fed. We will wait to see what the blossom will be like in spring time.
A jolly time had by all.
The first orchard was Brightwell Manor |
Children feeding the good spirits of the orchard with toast dipped in cider |
Beating the trunks with sticks to wake up the trees for spring |
The second orchard at High Barn House with Lambswool mulled cider |
Fireworks at the third orchard at Vine House |